LCA Code
Feel the force! We have put careful time & thought into creating a framework to keep our team & who we work with safe & sound.
1. Staying out of PEM is our top priority. To ensure this each person volunteering for us will be asked to fill in a form telling us what is safe for them to do. Health comes first, volunteering can always wait.
2. Each person will be given a code word which can be relayed if one is going into overload/PEM ensuring immediate stop.
3. We are aware of the vulnerability of people with lived experience of LC & ME. Therefore respect & courtesy are expected at all times.
4. We have a zero tolerance of bullying & manipulation inside & outside of the organisation. We therefore only work with trusted members & organisations to ensure a healthy & safe working environment.
5. Anyone can come to one of the Directors with any concern & will be listened to in confidence.
6. We expect fair & due credit to be given for any original work done by a member of our team. Plagiarism & fudging of credit is not acceptable.
7. A problem solving process will be followed for breaches of conduct or of the LCA code. A Director will offer fact-finding, an initial meeting, followed by a review meeting. We can take advice to resolve any conflict or if an appeal to a decision is required.
8. To protect the community & our team we will not platform anyone with minimising or views of disinformation about Covid or other illnesses, especially from a BPS or FND model.
9. We do not expect people to communicate outside of working (9-5) or rest hrs. Options of communication methods will be given to avoid first line comms such as Whats App.
10. In the spirit of RuPaul we will listen & consider other views but the final decision & responsibility lies with the Directors.
More details on volunteering can be found at NCVO

In other words - fairness, respect & transparency